Sunday, 2 October 2016

Ass2 - Project 7 - Meanings In Imagery

Exercise Visual Metaphors

This exercise is to help me understand the use of metaphors in a visual aspect

I have look for some on the Internet and these are some I found:

Google meaning : A visual metaphor is the representation of a person, place, thing, or idea by way of a visual image that suggests a particular association or point of similarity. Modern advertising relies heavily on visual metaphors.

Couch Potato:

Image result for visual metaphor

This is a classic saying and putting a potato on the sofa makes people suddenly understand the metaphor.

Main ingredient:
Image result for visual metaphor

I think this is a clever advertisement of tomato ketchup stating what is inside the bottle. I really like this intelligent idea.

Storm in a tea cup:

Image result for storm in a tea cup

This has some good detail and you can understand what it is about.

You are what you eat:
Illustrations by John Holcroft | Inspiration Grid | Design Inspiration:

You are what you eat, so the artist has turned his belly in to a burger. Its really fun to look at

Insomnia - Tony Huynh, via --.Bellos ojos, mas bellos si ven bien.Controla tu…:

     This one has to be my favourite one I found. It shows the word insomnia really well.This the man looking tired and all the sheep that he has tried to count around him and he still cant sleep. 

(all above from[]=metaphor%7Ctyped&term_meta[]=illustration%7Ctyped)

Ideas and Task

    Now that I have had a look at a few and understood what a visual metaphor is, I now have to create one.

    From the subjects given, I have chosen to use Dreams Of romance. I am going to do a spider diagram and think of some ideas:

Here above I have doodles what comes to my mind when I think of dreamy romance and wrote down words that will help me also.

Below are some sketches I made:

    Above - Woman in bed dreaming with her dream getting captured in her dream catcher. I though this idea would help show the idea of dreaming, but I feel it lacked the romance side of it.

I then had a break through with my next Idea:

     Its a princess kissing a frog. I thought every girl dreams of meeting her prince charming and this is a great illustration idea to show dreams of romance. I then sketched it a few more times to get the illustration I was after (below).

This below is my final Line drawing of my illustration.

I think it works really well for my idea. I am not going to put it in to Photoshop and add some colour:

Scanned in image:

My final image:

   I think my outcome of my illustration came out great. I kept the colours simple as I wanted my main focus on the meaning behind it.

     Overall I think I did well and I produced an image that people will look at and think of a dreamy romance. I took my drawing to work and asked a few of my colleagues there and it went down really well and got the right response that I had hoped.

My 3D Illustrations

For my final in Painting 1 course - I created a series of paintings here is a photo below:

    I really liked the aspect I created with 3D art and promised my self that I would attempt this with my illustrations at some point. I though it would be a great idea to make my illustrations come to life. so today I gave it a go...

I decided to do a bird and I used feathers to add texture for the wings and tail:

    I was so happy with the out come and I absolutely love this style I have created. I feel like I have made a break through in my illustrations.

I tried to scan it in to my PC to see what it would look like:

     I felt it did look good but it lost a lot of its depth. I decided may be it would be better to use photos or scan in each part (which sounds long winded) to capture the style with the depth.

I tried also to see what it would look like in black and white . I still do like the style and I am excited to create some more.

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