Feedback from tutor
My feed back form my tutor was really great! I felt she really looked at my work and gave me a good understanding of further development.
Judy pointed out that I had mentioned drawing in illustration was old fashioned. I love drawing and it made me realise how important it is, even to those who create illustrations with technology.
Drawing always comes first!
She mentioned for me to look at Jim Flora form the 50s and Warner bro cartoons form the 50s and 60s.
She also mentioned sketching more from life which I will start to now. It will help me to get my proportions correct and get more of a correct visualisation on things around me. I know I some times have a Disney feel to them. This is a bit of a bad habit I have picked up over the years as Disney really inspired me to create illustrations.
My tutor thought my sketch book start was good and my blog was very informative which I will continue to do so.
She has also told me to look more at contemporary artists and illustrators to help me with my own, Seeing how illustration is moving forward and different ways how other illustrators work.
She has given me a few links, journals and books to look at to help me move forward and improve. I will check these out and bookmark them for future reference.
I am also learning Photoshop and Judy has advised me on a website which will help me learn.
For then next assignment I am going to take my tutors comments on board and focus on improving and learning more about becoming an illustrator. I am looking forward to starting assignment 2!
Quick look at Jim Flora form the 50s and Warner bro cartoons from the 50s and 60s.
Jim Flora
As I can see from the few images I have picked out of his illustrations the are very bold and bright. They are simple and easy on the eye.
The first two are retro looking and clearly can understand there are informing the viewer about music. His characters are fun and looking at his illustrations makes you think a rather that they may be playing.
The bottom image is of a city. It's quite hard to make out but you can see two people on the top of the buildings. I am not too sure what they ate up to.
Warner Bros Cartoons
Above are some images I came across whist researching Warner Bros. I used to love watching their cartoons back in the day and I have just watched a few now on you tube which brought back happy memories of my childhood.
I like some of the sketch work I found where they sketched different angles in various ways of their characters. This was there starting point for making them come to life in the cartoons on TV.
There are a lot of sketches involved and layering of tracing paper until they are happy with the final image of the character. They show the personality in the creatures and it works really well.
There colours are bright and proportions are about right too. This has shown me the more I sketch the better I shall become in my illustrations, such as proportions, personalities and lines of my characters.
Now I have looked at these illustrations, I now feel ready to begin assignment 2.